I was poking though some of my stuff the other day, and I discovered some poems which I had written a few years ago. I hope you enjoy them!
The Explorer
When I first saw them I had to laugh
At all of these creatures obscuring my path
They crawled with a grunt, with a hoot they hopped;
They picked and they kicked and scrabbled and stopped
Laughing is not a good thing to do
When chimps beyond count are staring at you
Now some say we're cousins, or something like that
So they should appreciate my humor so tact
There must have been something wrong with this group
Instead of laughing one gave a hoot
One big monkey came up from the rest
He was the biggest, and clearly the best
His little eyes narrowed as he looked me over
He began to study me, moving closer and closer
I moved back, 'til my foot hit a stump
And then I landed on my seat with a bump
I jumped up and turned to run
Shielding my eyes from the glare of the sun
There was a screech and chaos ensued
As a group of mad monkeys began their pursuit
So here I am now, at the top of a tree
I'll just have to hope that they can't climb like me
First it was half-past, then quarter to ten
Before Miss Fangle-Dor-Fee stepped in.
"I'm sorry class," was here excuse
"But today I ran into a traveling moose!
No, don't be alarmed, it's perfectly fine.
I was driving my car that stops on a dime.
The moose politely asked if I couldn't spare
A dime or two, to pay for his fare.
He was taking the subway to get our of town;
He'd had a job offer, which he hadn't turned down.
Don't you worry, he's well on his way
To start his new job with twice his old pay."
She sat in her seat and looked in her book
Before she saw Tommy, who gave her a look.
The class was abuzz with news of this moose
And how this old creature was out on the loose.
Little Tommy raised his hand, as quiet as can be
Before speaking up apologetically.
"I'm sorry Miss Fangle," (for that's what we called her),
"But if this is a tale I don't know of one taller.
If there was a moose who is traveling far
He'd be sure to get lost, for I know that moose are
very bad with a sense of direction they say.
That's why you find many moose gone astray."
Tommy sighed and he paused, thinking hard as he sat
In contemplation of this little-known fact.
"The moose that you met, in this story you tell:
Perhaps he wasn't a moose, but an elk?"