Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hello all!
  This is a reminder and an update. I'm sorry that I haven't posted much recently, but I've had to juggle work and school plus homework. At the moment I'm taking English 102 at a community college before going into my second year as a Music Ed. student.
  I want to encourage you to start commenting on things! I would love to see what you all think of the site, the stories, the posts, etc. If you have critiques about how you think it should have gone, whether the characters are cardboard, or whether it seems that the characters seem to be sitting in the middle of a blank room acting as puppets, please post! This allows me to get a good idea of how to write better stories to share with you, as well as showing me how to communicate my ideas clearly.
   Thanks for sticking with me so far! I hope to be able to get a fairly regular stream of fiction posted on this site. If you have any questions/ideas/comments just let me know! I'll be happy to answer!

(There are too many exclamation marks here!!)

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