Hello all! This is something of an introduction to any and all who find this site. I have been writing creatively since I was about eight years old. I generally tend to stick to humorous short stories, though I have plans and ideas for novels bouncing around. I grew up and still reside in southwest Michigan. I have little to no interest in politics, but I like to look at the big picture, figure out how we got there, and how to fix it, if there is a problem with where we are.
I have been raised in a Christian home which has affected me in most areas of life. If religion is something that you hate, let me tell you something; I agree with you! Religion, to me, is trying to put something incomprehensible into a box. The effects of doing this range from delusions that He can fit into the box, that He will stay in the box, and that He won't act until we open the box for Him. Mankind invented religion to try and control God. The problem is that God cannot be controlled, no matter what we may think. He loves us and wants the best for us, but we have to co-operate. Sometimes this means doing things that we don't want to do or admitting that we are not the center of the universe. I hold that America is, generally, a self-centered society (notice the name "Fiction by Jack"), and that we need to turn that focus onto God, the one who gives me life and loves me no matter how many times I may turn away from Him.
I know that the paragraph preceding this one sounds like a mini-sermon, and I know that you probably didn't come here for that. That's all right! I'd encourage you to look around, read some posts, ask any question that comes to mind. I hope that you find encouragement here, as well as some humor and, hopefully, something that touches you and makes a difference in your life.
God Bless,
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