Well, I was poking around in my writing the other day, and I found a little project that I wrote this spring. So here it is, a bit of flash fiction using a writing prompt. Now, a common format for the writing prompt is in the form of a first or
last sentence. Here's a little bit of fiction I wrote using a prompt
like this, the given sentence being the last one.
“Look Daddy, over here!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!”
I marveled at her speed and determination as my 4-year-old daughter pulled me along the dirt trail by the hand.
“It was over here, Daddy!”
I had been reaching back into the car for my phone when she snatched my
hand and began tugging with an urgency like I’d never seen before.
“Hurry, Daddy, Hurry or we’ll miss it!” So, guided by those chubby
little hands with ever-lengthening fingers I trailed along behind,
feeling like a dog pulled with a hurry down the sidewalk.
jumped and rolled as her feet brushed them. They snapped under my feet.
The air gathered close as we moved into a glade, the trail sweeping left
and cutting right, only to wind to the left again. Suddenly she
stopped. I tried not to trip over her.
“What is it sweetie?” But
she didn’t answer. Quietly, almost reverently, she walked slowly to off
one side of the path, looking into the woods. I was panting, my breath
coming in little bursts. Without a word, my daughter spun around and ran
back towards the park.
“Where are you going?” she stopped and turned to look at me.
“It’s OK Daddy, I don’t think he’ll mind.” Then she sprinted away. It
occurred to me to ask who ‘he’ is and why he would mind... mind what?
With a look to my feet, I shook my head and laughed a little to myself.
Whenever I look at my feet I’m reminded that they’re where they should
be, so something’s going right. Laura’s were at the car, so our daughter
would be fine. As I turned to head back down the path I looked up. And
that’s when I saw the fox.
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