Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This Current Project + Another Scene

The writing's going well but, more importantly, the idea has stuck. I've had some projects that were longer than others. These, though, tended to be less than 10,000 words. 10,000 is a kind of mile-marker to say "OK, now I've got the beginnings of a novel."
At this point, my word count (not counting the writing I did for today) is up to 16,622! This is a lot more than I've ever written for one project. I feel good about this because I've managed to stick with it, and because I have a fairly good idea of what direction the project is heading in.
My writing process has always been a little funny. My stories are idea-driven, but I don't tend to flesh things out very much. I'll start with a simple idea, start to write some, and develop the idea as I get more of a draft written.
Sometimes I manage to surprise myself - scenes will sort of pop out of nowhere. I think the next scene I'll have to share with you guys will have to be one of these that I'm talking about. Another way to describe this process is that I'm discovering the story as I write. That's how this scene that I'll post here came about.

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